Moving Forward

As a result of congregational input, the Moving Forward Team has complied an action plan. Through prayer and discernment, the document will be used to guide our church activities over the next 3 years. We pray that the activities and plan will bring people into a closer relationship with God and with each other while providing for the needs of our community as well. 

See the documents below to see how you can help bring these actions into play. 

One Page Guiding Document

This 2 sided document gives the over-riding

thrust of the action plan. 

Click HERE or the picture to the right

to view this exciting plan for our church's activities. 

Moving Forward ACTION PLAN

This action plan is founded in ideas and input from the Clinton CRC congregation. 

While the dates noted in the plan run to 2026, action items may be completed prior to that year. We pray that this plan will give a structure to the tasks that were noted by congregation members. The hope is that we, as a congregation, can show God's love in our church family, our local and global community, our facility and staff. 

We can only accomplish this plan with prayer, by listening, with support and encouragement and with growth minded focus. 

Be sure to join us as we work to serve our glorious God. 

Click HERE or the picture to the left to view this document.