
Join us for events that gather people together, support ministries and support fundraising opportunities. 

  • Soup and bun lunch - February 2

    Soup & Bun will provided after the morning worship service on February 2 hosted by the Deacons. Join us for fellowship, food and conversation. Could you help to provide a pot of soup? Contact John Vanderhaar or any of the Deacons. Thanks and see you there!

  • Worship service for youth and young at heart - February 2

    Join us February 2nd at 7:00 pm for a youth service at Clinton CRC. We'll be led by Pastor Ron deVries, a Youth Pastor from Alberta, with a message on service as well as singing, trivia and refreshments to follow! Come all who are young and young at heart. We're looking forward to worshipping together!

  • Admin Team Meeting - February 4

    The Admin Team would like to invite members to meet with them prior to their meeting on Tuesday, February 4 at 7:30pm. This will be an opportunity for anyone to bring up concerns, comments and questions to the administration of the church. If you would like to meet with the Admin Team, please contact the office before noon on Tuesday, February 4 so a scheduled time can be allocated to you.

  • Stratford Young Adults Game night - February 14

    Stratford Young Adults are hosting a game night at the church on Friday February 14th starting at 7:00 pm. All young adults ages 18 to 30ish are encouraged to come out to join the fun. Bring your favourite game to share! Church address is: 190 Athlone Crescent, Stratford N4Z 1H9!